DONTASKGEN breaks out his shell to get rugged with his gritty release, "Where You From"

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Written by Greg Harris

Carving out his own lane in the “City of Drank”, DONTASKGEN is not your prototypical artist that hails from Houston. Straying away from the expected rap sound that carves the current soundscape of Texas, GEN has chosen a different route that caters to R&B but carries hip-hop elements in his material. This has been celebrated on projects he’s released in the past and his current work. 

Moving towards heating up in the future, GEN has delivered a new fierce visual called “Where You From”. Much tougher than the serenading efforts he’s done in the past, he gets fully in his lyrical bag as he tears through the under 3 minute visual in an effortless manner. Whether he’s making a R&B hit or making the bass boom with rap instrumentals, DONTASKGEN has shown he’s a threat on either spectrum of the board and he’s here to serve great songs by any means necessary. 

Check out the new single below. 

It was birthday and I'm the gift that keeps on giving so youre welcome lmao @DONTASKGEN produced by Concept Studios