Posts tagged Modern Visionaries
Modern Visionaries: Christopher Garcia of Godson talks about his brand, getting love from Dej Loaf, and attending college

As we dive in deep with more creative individuals in 2016, we have seen a trend of these bright stars being their own bosses while attending school. Playing the game in and outside the classroom just goes to show you what these visionaries have on their plates on a day-to-day basis. One visionary who's going against the grain and letting his brand reign supreme in Houston  is Christopher Garcia, the brains behind Godson Clothing. 

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Modern Visionaries : Calvin Wilson Turned Everybody's Obession with Narcos into your new favorite hat.

2015 was the year of the designer and we seen a lot of them go against the grain to present old and new concepts that set the fashion world on fire. These fiery personalities behind the threads played an important role into how each piece was made, and one of the brightest individuals that made their splash was Calvin Wilson. Read our interview with him here. 

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Modern Visionaries : Jackson D. Ray (Fashion Moves Forward)

Fashion Journalism has turned into it's own evolution and it's a lot of publications that reflect that. Fashion Moves Forward has become a hot spot for millennials to pick up on the latest individuals and news that's happening in the industry. We had a chance to do a Modern Visionaries feature with their founder, Jackson D Ray. Read it here. 

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