Central Texas collective, PNTHN delivers a warm, refreshing versatile body of work with "Rico"


Written by Greg Harris 

When it comes to the Texas scene and its growth of artists is certainly one of the best evolutions of artists that are emerging from in the nation right now. Across the board, it's a lot of talented folks coming from various areas, and PNTHN has shined amongst the elite when it comes to versatility and originality. The modern boom-bap flavor they bring to the forefront with their unique creative vision not only boasts real rap heads to listen to their music, it brings a nice flow of vibes that generate with anyone. 

The off-the-wall presentation in their raps gauges listeners to dissect the different arrays of complex similes and metaphors that they deliver. It's beautiful to see this type of unification in rap at this point because it's a lot of solo stars who are paving the way but it's only select groups that have the potential to pursue past the end of the tunnel to reach the next level. With a compact versatile like Rico, the PNTHN are on the right path to achieving just that. 

Check out the project below. 

RICO, an album by PNTHN on Spotify