The SZNS delivers a new melodic turn anthem with "Tuesday"

Written by Greg Harris

Texas music is continue to evolve with more unique artists who implementing their new footprint in the industry. Houston is at the epicenter of it all with the amount of versatility they have shown with their artists in the past couple of years. As the temperature heats up more with the large influx of talent, emerging artist The SZNS stamps his flag as he walks the tightrope between Hip Hop and R&B.

Known for Instagram snippets that cause viewers to play them over and over again, he drops a well awaited single, "Tuesday" that his fanbase has been begging to hear. The new single is at the crossroads the eerie experimental sound that is first introduced at the beginning and towards the end listeners realized they've just heard a replayable, off-kilter hit. Whatever formula The SZNS is cooking up for his material, its surely working in his favor and it's only a matter of time until more Texans + beyond are familiar with his sound. 

Check out the new single below.